What is High Performance Building?
The term 'high-performance building' means a building that integrates and optimizes on a life cycle basis all major high performance attributes, including energy conservation, environment, safety, security, durability, accessibility, cost-benefit, productivity, sustainability, functionality, and operational considerations. - Source: National Institute of Building Sciences
What are Insulating Concrete Forms or ICFs?
Insulating Concrete Forms are light-weight, rigid insulating casts made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene (XPS). ICFs are stacked like Lego's and rebar is inserted. Concrete is poured into the ICFs. The polystyrene is left in place to provide insulation
What are the Benefits of ICF Construction?
- Energy related:
High performance R-values
No air infiltration through walls
Permanent performance, no downgrading over time
Shifts thermal loading from peak periods
Lower cost to heat and cool - Health related:
Less air infiltration means less dust and allergens
No cavity walls for mold, mildew, bugs or rodents
Non-toxic materials
No off-gassing of materials - Structural related:
High wind resistance
Fire-rated assembly - up to 4 hrs at 2000 Degrees Farenheit
Strength is permanent
Will not rot or decay
Resistant to termites (the concrete)
Impact resistant - Comfort related:
High sound attenuating
Enhances steady temperatures
Peace of mind during inclement weather events
Low maintenance structure
May attribute to lower insurance costs - Constructability related:
Design versatility
Is ICF Construction More Expensive than Traditional Construction Methods?
ICF homes are comparable in price to 2X6 construction and although they can cost 3-5% more than traditional 2X4 frame homes, homeowners save more in the long run because the cost of ownership of an ICF structure is significantly less than the more traditional methods. In nearly every documented case of the cost of an ICF structure, the return on investment (ROI) for the extra construction cost is within 5 years with many showing less than 3 years. Depending how costs are viewed, ICF may cost a little more or significantly less to build and operate.
What does an ICF Home Look Like when it is Finished?
An ICF Home looks like any conventional new home on the inside and on the outside. The window sills are deeper since the walls are thicker. Very few people can see the difference between ICF construction and other types of construction, though many can 'feel' the difference attributed to more solid construction.
What kind of Siding Can be Used on the Exterior of an ICF Home?
Virtually any conventional exterior finish can be used with an ICF System.
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